Sunday, January 23, 2005

Before you retire

For some reason the best plans for early retirement do not come about, sometimes it turns out to be a much later date, than was set for your retirement. Here is a way to prepare for retirement. If the target is between 50 and 60, start this at least 5 years before your retirement target. This is my 5 year plan, yours may vary to fit into your own plan. You and your family will benifit by long term planing.

Sit down with your spouse and children and have them make out a list of the things, they think you should do when the time arrives for retirement. These lists will in all likleyhood be long. Some very interesting ideas will come from this. Your wife/husband will have a list of things to do, you know, the things you have been leaving untill you retire.
If it is your wifes list it will be moderately long, this is not to say that it will not grow as you start to whittle it down to size.
Men tend to have a slightly shorter list.Your children's list may be long or short, depends if they are still at home or out on thier own. Make sure you keep a copy of each list that you recieve, at this point you still have five years to retirement. keep notes on thier suggestions as the year goes by.
When you have four years to go, ask them for another list, this will give them some time to reflect on their own life and ther own dreams of retirement.
Again at three years to go you do the same thing, only this time you ask them for a list of things they want to do when they reach retirement time.
At two years to go you will give them your list of what you would like to do in this new free :-) part of your life. It should not be a problem to come up with a very good list, you have had three years of input, with discussins along the way.
Now you are entering your last year of work, you still have the lists that your family supplied to you in the last four years. There is an never ending list of things to do in preperation for that magic time. :-)

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