Sunday, January 05, 2014

Have you ever thought about a Reverse mortgage and wondered how they work? 
Are they any good, will they do what you intended it to do, and do you get good value for your home?

Each Country has different regulations and rules to govern the use of reverse mortgages.

over the next few weeks we will discuss the use and value of Reverse Mortgages 

The Canadian reverse mortgage was originally developed to help cash strapped seniors, but was used primarily by well-off seniors. These well-off seniors viewed the reverse mortgage as a way to gradually sell off their home without having to move.
No doubt you have seen the Adds on TV with all kinds of celebrities telling you haw good they are, there will be more discussion on this subject later. 
 The most common use of the reverse mortgage is to pay for their children to purchase their first home or help grandchildren's educations. 

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