Sunday, February 20, 2005

On the way to retirement

Somewhere in all of my preperations for retirement, I saw a question asked about what it is really like once you are retired.
This intriguing thought stayed in the back of my mind and haunted me. I have watched co-workers retire from our plant over the last 20 odd years.
I have stayed in contact with them over the years and as I talked to them, they painted a picture of retirement bliss, busy all of the time ect. but a few brave ones said it, as it is for them.
I also spoke to thier wives and thier story is quiet different, not a surprise! more on that later.

How do we get to all of those hours.

Once you start school, your time is stuctured for you, for the most part of your life. School takes 8 hours a day, Your parents get you ready, get you up, feed you, then your off to school, today you are bussed to and from school, a few of the kids get to go home for lunch.
Then on to high school and 8 hours + for your day. Coledge and university adds more hours in your day.
Your working life, for which you get paid (never seems enough), will last 35 to 50 years, at 8 to 11 hrs a day, counting travel. There are many who are now working in excess 60 hour per week.

Look at the time you have to fill once you do retire, this puts a strain 0n all aspects of your life,
and that of your spouse.
If you have done some volunteering of your time, you will likey add to that time easily, there sure is a need to have more volunteers.
Many people do not like the exposure outside of their normal lifestyle, so volenteer work is not the answer, for everyone.
There are so many things we can do when we retire, the list seems to be endless.

Next, a day in retirement .

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