Father's Day gifts for Dad, from MotherNature.com!
Seek out cultural opportunities:
Take advantage of museums, art galleries, symphony concerts, local theater groups, high school and college presentations.
Watch for openings at local art galleries and other exhibition spaces.
Many museums have free admission to their permanent exhibits, or discounted ticket prices for senior citizens on any special exhibitions. And art galleries are free for everyone to inspect the current exhibit.
A couple in their seventies never had two pennies to rub together until they educated three children and paid off the loans for such expensive education.
In their more mature years, they became fascinated with the visual arts, and with the loans paid in full, they are now enthusiastic---and knowledgeable---modest art collectors.
Many symphony orchestras and opera companies have matinee performances where the ticket price is considerably less than the night performances. Go with a friend, or go by yourself. You will have a good time!
Another couple in their sixties decided they needed to be educated in some new subject.
They knew absolutely nothing about opera, in fact had never been to a single performance, but they saw this subject was being offered at their local community college, and they signed up.
Now they are not only opera enthusiasts, they also are significant patrons of the well-known opera company in their city.
These are only a few of the things that are available for seniors to get out and meet different people and try new things that do not cost a lot of money or energy.
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